We strive to minimize the environmental impact made during our project execution process and contribute to creating an environmentally-friendly society by taking part in the global effort to overcome the climate change crisis through our energy transitions and environmental infrastructure projects.
We establish and operate an environmental management system and make efforts throughout the entire business process to achieve targets in accordance with our environmental management strategies. In addition, we are determined to meet the demands of the global community using the environmental management system in accordance with ISO 14001 and carry out various activities to pursue carbon net zero and improve resource circularity.
Achieve net zero emissions by 2050
Pursue 100% renewable
energy by 2030
Reduce waste and increase recycling
Reduce water consumption and raise water reuse rate
SAMSUNG E&A considers eco-friendly energy management as its top priority and strives to protect the environment and promote eco-friendly businesses by implementing energy transitions in all business processes, including energy conservation, global warming prevention, and biodiversity conservation.
This Policy is implemented under the responsibility of SAMSUNG E&A top management. SAMSUNG E&A is committed to setting environmental goals and engaging in eco-friendly activities together with all employees, partner companies and other players of the EPC supply chain, thereby bringing the greatest value to stakeholders and realizing sustainable growth.
Hong Namkoong / SAMSUNG E&A President & CEO
22nd December 2023
Our environmental management system received the ISO 14001 certification from LRQA(Lloyd's Register Quality Assurance). To obtain the ISO 14001 certification, the evaluated company must have a system that minimizes environmental impacts caused by its business activities. The company is also establishing environmental policies and goals, and carry out, monitor and review activities aimed at accomplishing them.
SAMSUNG E&A received the ISO 50001 certification from LRQA(Lloyd's Register Quality Assurance). ISO 50001 is an energy management system. To obtain the ISO 50001 certification, it is necessary to establish a continuous and systematic energy management system to improve energy efficiency. The company is also establishing Energy policies and goals, and carry out, monitor and review activities aimed at accomplishing them.
2024 Korea Green Management Award – Prime Minister’s Commendation
Awarded at Construction Environment Management Contests
Zero Waste to Landfill (ZWTL) Validation
Premier of Sarawak Environmental Award (PSEA), Malaysia
Saudi Aramco Environmental Excellence Award
Awarded for Excellence in Climate Change Prevention
We analyze and evaluate the impact of climate change on major business areas such as engineering, procurement, construction, and R&D and implement special strategies for serious risks or identified opportunities. With the aim to achieve net zero emissions by 2050 and pursue 100% renewable energy by 2030, we monitor the greenhouse gas emissions at the head office and our domestic and overseas project sites and continuously seek more ways to reduce direct & indirect greenhouse gas emissions, such as establishing eco-friendly facilities.
Environmentally-Friendly Construction Method
Environmentally-Friendly Materials
Equipment and Vehicles
Environmentally-Friendly Engineering
Procurement Management
Samsung Electronics Pyeongtaek P Air Pollution Prevention Facility Project
Samsung Electronics Pyeongtaek P Air Pollution Prevention Facility Project
Reduce more than 2 million tons of greenhouse gas emissions annually through the installation of high-capacity greenhouse gas treatment facility
Samsung Electronics China SCS Retrofit Project
Samsung Electronics China SCS Retrofit Project
Eliminate greenhouse gas and organic compounds at the worksite
Samsung Electronics Suwon Infrastructure Enhancement Project
Samsung Electronics Suwon Infrastructure Enhancement Project
Maximize energy efficiency and contribute to greenhouse gas reduction by installing solar power generation facilities of 1,893 kW capacity in total.
With the aim to prevent resource depletion and protect the environment, we are committed to increase resource circulation based on the 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) Principle. In addition, we are making continuous efforts to minimize waste, increase recycling, reduce the use of water, and maximize reutilization.
In order to minimize the impact that construction waste has on the environment, we continuously seek ways to maximize waste recycling and minimize waste generation. We measure the amount of waste by type and the treated amount by treatment method throughout the project process every month using our in-house environmental management system (SEEM-S) and continuously monitor the project sites to ensure the efficient implementation of our waste management plan and achievement of our targets. As for hazardous materials, we establish and apply a thorough plan to prevent leakage incidents in the process of storage, transportation through vehicles and pipes, and maintenance and fuel supply of vehicles. In addition, we carry out various waste reduction activities at the head office and our project sites.
We have an organized water management system in place to ensure sustainable water utilization and minimize environmental impact, such as developing a water supply plan by estimating the amount of water usage at all domestic and overseas projects. In the Middle East region, where water supply can be particularly challenging, we treat groundwater and rainwater for utilization at the site and continuously carry out water preservation activities, such as installing ponds at our sites to improve the water recycling rate.
With the aim to preserve and recover the natural ecosystem and preserve biodiversity, our environment policy stipulates the requirements for biodiversity preservation. This policy requires project sites to establish plans for biodiversity preservation before starting the construction work. Sites also continuously monitor activities that may have a severe impact to ensure that the environmental impact to the surrounding area is minimized.
Activities for biodiversity preservation at Oman Duqm Project
Our project location in Duqm, Oman is the major stopover site of marine birds during their migration and is designated as the Important Bird Area (IBA). Against this backdrop, we have organized and conducted a research on protected species, environmental impact assessment, and ecological management plan.
We are also carrying out various biodiversity preservation activities, such as providing special training to the Oman government officials and performing environmental clean-up activities at the sea with the Special Economic Zone Authority of Oman.
We give online environmental training to all employees to raise their awareness of the importance of environmental management. Environmental training is also included as part of the introductory course of new employees to raise environmental awareness and foster an environmentally-friendly mindset.
Prior to starting their assignment at domestic or overseas project sites, the assignees receive training on environmental management requirements, such as legal requirements, SAMSUNG E&A’s standards, and client requirements.
We have training programs designed to ensure compliance with ISO 14001. We also train evaluators through internal and external evaluation to prepare for certifications.
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